Looking for something with a bit of Zen? Birds of paradise complemented by a stunning mix of tropical orange flowers and greenery in a graceful bamboo container, this bouquet is it.Birds of paradise, asiatic lilies, alstroemeria, red hypercium, accented with ti and galax leaves arrive in a container.
Bouquet Includes.
lilies, asiatic, orange
birds of paradise, orange
alstroemeria, orange
hypericum, red
ti leaves, green
galax leaves
dish, brown

Lilies, birds of paradise and alstroemeria

Canada Flowers Birds of paradise,Lilies,birds of paradise and alstroemeria: Birds of paradise, asiatic lilies, alstroemeria, red hypercium, accented with ti and galax leaves arrive in a container.
Canada flowers birds of paradise, lilies, birds of paradise and alstroemeria: Birds of paradise, asiatic lilies, alstroemeria, red hypercium, accented with ti and galax leaves arrive in a container.
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Price: from $59.99


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