Canada flowers charming pink roses
These charming pink roses and white daisies in a white wicker basket are sure to bring a smile.Daisies and roses arrive in a white wicker basket
Wicker Basket
Gypsophila, Million Star
Roses, Spray, Pink
Chrysanthemums, Spray, Daisy, White
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Daisies & roses in a wicker basket
Canada flowers cheerful shades of yellow
Big, bright bunch of fresh flowers in cheerful shades of yellow, purple, orange and pink. A scrumptiously pretty gift for any day of the year.
Daisy Spray Chrysanthemums, Yellow
Matsumoto Asters, Purple
Carnations, Orange
Miniature Carnations, Hot Pink
Alstroemeria, Orange
Ginger Vase
Satin Ribbon, Plaid Yellow
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Fresh yellow, purple, orange and pink flowers