When we’re gazing upon a bouquet blooming with the delicateness of daffodils, carnations, tulips, roses, or lilies, we’re always mesmerized by the beauty we can’t get enough of. We long to see something more. We long to get lost in the trance of splendor, which only this kind of exquisiteness can bestow. It’s like witnessing a miraculous creation that’s been touched only by some sort of a divine existence. But above all, it’s something that always touches a part of our soul.

This is how flowers can move people, but the magic behind it actually lies on human hands, which know how to evoke their gentle spirit. It makes a very good reason why it’s very important to choose flower arrangement carefully so as to elicit the right mood we want.

A key factor in choosing and ordering flower arrangements is understanding the creativity of florists.  Browsing through their work portfolio as seen in their sample bouquets, wreaths, corsages, and vase arrangements can do great help. There’s no doubt you can identify what’s beautiful or not, when, in fact, flowers are after all natural beauties. But it takes mastery and in depth perception of florist to make the most out of that beauty. And that’s what customers should also understand.

Normally, florists use rules in arranging flowers to be successful at it. These principles and elements encompass balance, unity, harmony, and rhythm of flower arrangements. They tackle about colors, flower proportion, texture, weight, and more. To give you an overview, here are some basic elements of floral design:

Balance – it’s the correct flower and vase proportion considering the height and width of the floral composition. The two basic categories of balance are symmetric or asymmetric. As a rule of thumb, the floral arrangement should be one and a half times the container’s height. Symmetric arrangement is characterized by having both sides equal in design. Having an axis helps to delineate how both sides would have a similar look. While the asymmetric type contains different elements on each side but still have equal weight to create a pleasant view.

Line – it refers to the curves or directional movement of the flowers. It’s important to consider the architectural design of the room to match the flowers to be placed in it. An example of this is to consider the tall windows or columns in the room to have an idea how the floral arrangement can imitate the physical features of the room.

Texture – it’s how the arrangement sets the tone. Floral elements and containers that are smooth, shiny, or glittery are great for formal or elegant settings and events. Dried materials, straw, wire, and other rough textures and rugged materials such as wood are considered informal and are best saved for more relaxed decor.

Size of elements – the size of the flowers establish their significance in the arrangement like big flowers possess greater visual weight while small flowers have to be in a greater number to equal a large flower. Having a good visualization of sizes will achieve correct balance in the arrangement.

Color of elements – determining the use of light and dark flowers to achieve harmony in an arrangement is also very important. Dark colors carry greater impression than the light colors, thus, it may take at least a number of light-colored flowers to keep up with one dark flower to maintain harmony.

Weight – florists who have good visual for weight determine the relationship of large flower to smaller flowers like the fillers to create beautiful arrangements. Every flower has a certain degree of importance but is only highlighted through the good use of elements, color, and size consideration.

We hope that these little insights on how florists make successful flower arrangements help you in your needs about ordering flowers.