When we think about flowers, a wonderful, absolutely charming state surrounds us and makes us grateful for the gift of having a piece of heaven right beside us. Flowers are more than plants, are some goddess that Mother Nature made them for us to reveal our true spiritual, divine essence.

As Ralph Waldo Emerson said “The Earth Laughs in flowers”, these beautiful creatures embrace us with all their happiness and grace, filling our souls with uplifting moods, making us contemplate the glory of our Mother Earth.

Flowers have an ancient history; their beauty was captured on the walls of the caves in which primitives lived, was an inspiration for poetry, some where used as food and others in medicine. They were even surprised in legends and myths, as the legend of rose, lily, tulip, iris and so on.

The feminine energy captured in their structure give flowers angelic and noble traits, they have the power to change moods, create magnificent states, please all kind of people and bring joy in our souls. Flowers are true gifts given to us in our little world, gifts that we should appreciate and be grateful for; if we would listen to their beautiful symphony, if we would see the splendor in their manifestation, for sure we would find our true meaning and be superior beings.