Flower designs

August 26, 2010 Special Flowers

When I look into flowers, I can only feel that they are the true gifts from God. The pleasure of watching flowers itself is so amazing that we cannot even explain it in words. Decoration is an art in itself and the knowledge to decorate requires a mind of creativity and it is the thinking to create something new, defined and unique that enables all of us to go in for specific floral design which captures the attention of all of us.

The art form of floral designs has captured rapt attention in the current times and people are extremely attracted towards this art form due to its fineness and sophistication. Flower designing includes the use of flowers and other plant materials which there by monitors and balances a definite composition. You would find that this refined form of floristry is available from the earlier period and is even a part of the Ancient Egypt culture. There are floral designs which have been professionally designed and the artwork and arrangements have been integrated so that the elements of the flower design such as the line, form, space, texture, color and the principles of the floral design are balanced and are in rhythm with each other.

Several types of floral designs are available depending on the styles of the origin and the most famous ones include styles of the Eastern, Western and the European styles and the commercial floral industry is abundantly developed and has really made its mark in the world market. There is one major type of flower design which is popular all around the world which is known as the Ikebana. This is a Japanese style of floral design and is very famous around the eastern side of the world and this flower design incorporates there major placements such as man, heaven and earth. There is another renowned style which is the European style wherein which much preference is laid for colors and botanical materials.